Kill and Prevent Head Lice With Natural Treatments

Kill and Prevent Head Lice With Natural Treatments
Prevent Lice With Natural Treatments

Any parent who has a child at school will know (or will soon know!) the sheer frustration that can come with treating and preventing head lice. If you haven’t done your homework on these menacing little critters yet, then do it quick! Even if your child hasn’t had a case of head lice yet, you’ll probably know it’s a ticking time bomb and is very hard to escape. Some hairdressers report seeing head lice or nits on every third or fourth child that comes in.

Head lice is on the increase and it’s best to be prepared and to place an importance on prevention rather than need a cure. Oh, and if you can get to the end of this article without feeling itchy, you have a mind of steel!

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