Top ways to get rid of head lice

Top ways to get rid of head lice
Top ways to get rid of head lice

Head lice. Nits. Critters. Creepy crawlies. It's enough to make your head itch even if you are not infested with the parasitic insects that feed on human blood and live close to the scalp. Nits are a fact of life around Australian schools and childcare centres, with many parents frustrated by the difficulty of getting rid of them.

Research at James Cook University has found that overtreatment with chemical insecticides has created resistance amongst Australian head lice, making them more difficult to treat and eradicate than in previous decades.

How to Handle Head Lice Infestation Laundry

How to Handle Head Lice Infestation Laundry
How to Handle Head Lice Infestation Laundry

Head lice are common in schools, day cares and play groups. Children share hats, hair brushes and hair accessories spreading the lice through head-to-head contact. Infestation can also happen from bedding, stuffed toys and clothing. Within you can numerous articles about head lice - how to recognize them and how to get rid of them from hair. We are going to focus on linens, clothes and toys.

Lice Aren't So Nice

 Lice Aren't So Nice
 Lice Aren't So Nice

Scratch scratch. Scratch. Your head is feeling really itchy. Could it be lice?

If so, you're not alone. Every year, between 6 and 12 million people worldwide get head lice. Most of those millions are kids. Any kid who goes to school has probably already heard about lice. They can spread easily at schools, so if one kid gets them, the rest of the class might get them, too. What can you do? Let's find out.

Full post: Lice Aren't So Nice

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